Client Testimony

Casino Self Storage

Casino Self Storage: “We contracted with Self StorageWorks in 2002 to help with design, layout and entitlement of our new self storage project. Greg Call attended all of the planning and city council meetings, and was instrumental in securing approval after a protracted battle with the city. Self Storage Works was then hired to start up the facility and manage the construction process. The end result was that our facility opened on time and on budget, and we exceeded all revenue and lease-up projections.
Manny Asadurain, Owner, Casino Self Storage

Staffing and Training

Self StorageWorks has the skill and experience to build a powerful group in your office and manage things more professionally. We spend significant time giving self-storage training to experienced storage supervisors on the genuine specialty of selling self-storage. On the off chance that you are needing assistance supercharging a current office call us now and put us under scrutiny! 

Home Services Staffing and Training