Client Testimony

Ellis Self Storage

Ellis Self Storage: “Our self storage business had reached a plateau of 75% occupancy and despite our best efforts we were unable to increase occupancy levels. After many months of failing to increase occupancy levels we decided to give Self StorageWorks a try. Within four months of activating our program we reached our goal of 95% occupancy—two months ahead of schedule! Self StorageWorks’ innovative marketing, management and operational solutions completely transformed our business and we can’t recommend their services highly enough!”
Ralph Ogden, Owner, Ellis Self Storage

High-Performance Leading and Your Staff

High-Performance Leading and Your Staff
Hiring, training and motivating a winning team
by Greg Call

These days, self-storage competes on a very aggressive playing field, and a winning lineup of storage specialists is the most critical aspect of the game. Mom-and-pop squads, once the dynamic duos of the industry, have been replaced by teams of high-performance players. Coming on the field are new recruits who brandish business and marketing degrees to devastate competitors. These draftees often come from Fortune 500 companies and are driven by...

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